Superior Siding Installation and Repair
Keep out Unwanted Elements
Siding plays an important part in protecting your interior from harsh weather elements and visually unifying your building’s exterior. Alongside your roof and gutters, it acts as a third force in keeping your home free from water damage caused by rain. Siding also provides insulation for your building, thereby improving your home’s overall energy efficiency and reducing your energy costs.

Aside from waterproofing and insulation, siding protects your home from pests. When installed properly, it effectively seals your building’s exterior, preventing insects and pests from entering your home. Our experts at WG Construction can help you select and install functional and aesthetically pleasing siding for your home or office building. If your existing siding has holes, dents or other forms of damage, we also offer fast and affordable repair services.
Vinyl Siding Installation
Renowned for its durability and versatility, vinyl is one of the most popular types of siding in today’s construction industry. Less expensive yet more durable than wood, vinyl siding resists harsh weather conditions and does not dent easily under pressure. You can choose from a wide range of standard smooth panels or more decorative textured finishes in various colors. With vinyl siding, the color is mixed into the material, meaning you never have to worry about painting.
Maintenance and Repair Services
Most times, severe siding issues don’t occur overnight. They happen as a result of damage that has gone unnoticed and/or unrepaired over a period of time. Our experienced contractors know the signs of damage to look for during inspection and can conduct any necessary maintenance or repairs to keep your property’s siding in excellent shape. Regular maintenance can help identify problems before they grow into major issues, saving you from expensive repairs or replacements down the road.
Request a Free Consultation
For functional and beautiful siding that can protect your home from harsh weather elements and unwanted pests, contact us today. Call (603) 818-0600 or fill out our convenient online form to request a free consultation.